During the global lockdown, the RAMPANTLY Comedy Network emerged as the most robust and prolific indie stand-up comedy collective on the globe. Designed by Joli Rx and donated to the World Comedy Foundation in May 2022, the platform's databases, archives, and web infrastructure now form the operating system of the World Comedy Foundation Underground, member pages, and meme machine (our instantaneous promo generator for producers and comics who list for mics.) Additionally, the platform's motto "laughter to the people" has been adopted as the World Comedy Foundation mission.
weekly mics
registered members
slotted acts
Our Story
Founded in Los Angeles in 2019 as a cross-promotional, new media promotional network for emerging comedy talent, RAMPANTLY launched its first Zoom comedy show, Blue Mic, in the wake of Covid in May 2020. Less than six weeks later, on July 1, 2020, the Blue Mic comics, led by Rx, and a handful of invited guests from around the globe, successfully welcomed more than 200 comedians to perform in RAMPANTLY's flagship marathon event, the 1st Annual Comeday 2020 24-hr Livestream International Joke Day Marathon.
Run by NYC comedian Aaron Ring, RAMPANTLY's second show, the Blue Annex joke lab joined the collective's repertoire on July 2, 2020, followed shortly thereafter by the Blue Chaser late-night mic, the Chalk Talk teacher mic, and RAMPANTLY's Red Mic, created by winners of Blue Mic's first Big Blue Ball R+ stand-up comedy revue, Dallas's David Parsons and Charlotte Parker.
By November 2020, RAMPANTLY had successfully produced yet another major event, the 4-day, 28-hr Halloweek 2020 comedy marathon. By year's end, the platform grew to house Bromitas Spanglish Mic, hosted by Kevin Escobar and Markovelii, and The Big D broken relationships mic, created by Rx. RAMPANTLY members rounded out their first calendar year as a family with the B!G A$$ BALL DROP New Year's Eve comedy marathon, ringing in the new year across all four continental US time zones with live-streamed stand-up comedy.