Each show occurrence must be a totally unique show name to properly hook to the WCW databases.
To create a linkable mic record, you must subscribe to a WCW Producer account. Learn more.
All Booked Acts that are name matches to WCW records will post a linked Show Notice to that act's Upcoming Shows. Acts must RSVP to the link generated at the end of this registration to display their details on the Show Date page. Share the link with your acts to record this show to their archive.
Display your upcoming Tour Dates on the World Comedy Web.
Cross-posted to Comedy.ink, Laugh.Social, and Rampantly.us.
This function is for use only by Producers wishing to manage their lists on the World Comedy Foundation. If you are booked for a date by a different producer, please Add Tour Date from your Talent Underground, or see if the producer has already added your date for you by checking the Tour Dates on your mobile web.
When you add performers to your show from the Hosting app, your Show details will display in their Tour Dates. Marking an act as "performed" from the Hosting app will move your show to their Tour Date Archive.